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Michigan Self-Defense Law: Stand Your Ground

Self-Defense in Michigan

Did you know that Michigan is a stand your ground, self-defense state? So long as a person is not engaged in the commission of a crime, that individual has the right to use deadly force against another individual, with no duty to retreat, if that person reasonably believes that deadly force will prevent death, sexual assault, or a serious bodily injury. The same applies to a person helping another person who is threatened with death, sexual assault, or a serious bodily injury.

When Winning Is The Only Option, There’s Only One Law Firm. ZuppkeLaw. Take A Look At Michigan’s Self-Defense Law:

Michigan Self Defense Law – Act 309 of 2006

780.972 Use of deadly force by individual not engaged in commission of crime; conditions.

Sec. 2.

(1) An individual who has not or is not engaged in the commission of a crime at the time he or she uses deadly force may use deadly force against another individual anywhere he or she has the legal right to be with no duty to retreat if either of the following applies:

(a) The individual honestly and reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the imminent death of or imminent great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another individual.

(b) The individual honestly and reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the imminent sexual assault of himself or herself or of another individual.

(2) An individual who has not or is not engaged in the commission of a crime at the time he or she uses force other than deadly force may use force other than deadly force against another individual anywhere he or she has the legal right to be with no duty to retreat if he or she honestly and reasonably believes that the use of that force is necessary to defend himself or herself or another individual from the imminent unlawful use of force by another individual.


Have you been injured in an assault and battery? ZuppkeLaw is your Royal Oak, Michigan personal injury law firm:

  • Bar fights and brawls
  • Assault and battery
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Contact us if you’ve been injured. The law is here to hold people accountable for their actions. If you need a legal powerhouse to help you fight back, there’s only one law firm. ZuppkeLaw, a Michigan law firm where winning is the only option.